Neutrons for Science and Industry

Neutrons and high energy x-rays as complementary probes for perovskite nanoparticles

by Bert Nickel (LMU)

HS 3 (Physics Department)

HS 3

Physics Department


Lead halide perovskite materials are intensively studied as new materials for energy conversion and, more recently, light sources. Of special interest are quantum confinement effects in nanocrystals, which allow to tune the emission colour. I will discuss different approaches to control crystal size and crystallinity of perovskite nanoparticles and highlight the importance of x-ray and neutron techniques, namely small and wide angle scattering, for the study of crystallization and surface stabilization.


S. Demchyshyn, J.Roemer, H. Groiss, H. Heilbrunner, C. Ulbricht, D. Apaydin, A. Böhm, U. Ruett, F. Bertram, G. Hesser, M. Scharber, N.S. Sariciftci, B. Nickel, S. Bauer,. E.D. Głowacki, M. Kaltenbrunner,
Confining Metal-Halide Perovskites in Nanoporous Thin Films
Science Advances (2017)

L. Polavarapu, B. Nickel, J. Feldmann, A. S. Urban
Advances in quantum-confined perovskite nanocrystals for optoelectronics (mini-review)
Advanced Energy Materials (2017)

Organised by

Dr. Markos Skoulatos
Dr.Alexandros Koutsioumpas