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26th TANGO Collaboration Meeting

HDBL, Herrsching

HDBL, Herrsching

Haus der bayerischen Landwirtschaft Herrsching Rieder Str. 70 D-82211 Herrsching am Ammersee Tel.: +49 8152-938-000 Fax: +49 8152-938-222 <a href="http://www.hdbl-herrsching.de/how-to-find-us">http://www.hdbl-herrsching.de/how-to-find-us</a>
Jens Krueger
The TANGO Collaboration members meet twice a year to discuss control system relevant problems.The meeting is open for other institutions interested in this subject.
  • Alexander Lenz
  • Andreas Persson
  • Andrew Götz
  • Antonio Milán Otero
  • Björn Pedersen
  • Claudio Scafuri
  • Darren Spruce
  • Emmanuel Taurel
  • Franz-Josef Kayser
  • Giacomo Strangolino
  • Guifre Cuni
  • Holger Witsch
  • Igor Khokhriakov
  • Jean-Michel Chaize
  • Jens Krueger
  • Lars Lottermoser
  • Lorenzo Pivetta
  • Lukasz Zytniak
  • Marco Lonza
  • Maria Teresa Nunez Pardo de Vera
  • Michael Wagener
  • Nicolas Leclercq
  • Piotr Goryl
  • Reynald Bourtembourg
  • Silvia Valentin-Hantschel
  • Sébastien Gara
  • Tadej Humar
  • Tiago Coutinho
  • Tomasz Rogucki
  • Vincent Hardion
  • Yuelong Yu
  • Wednesday 26 September
    • 08:10 08:15
    • 08:15 10:45
      Status Reports
      Convener: Bjoern Pedersen
      • 08:15
        ESRF status 15m
        Status and projects at ESRF since last meeting
        Speaker: Mr Jean-Michel Chaize (ESRF)
      • 08:30
        ALBA Controls Status 15m
        Speaker: Guifre Cuni (ALBA)
      • 08:45
        Status Report (SOLEIL) 15m
        Speaker: Mr Nicolas Leclercq (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
      • 09:00
        Elettra and FERMI@ELETTRA status 15m
        status of the Trieste light sources
        Speaker: Dr Marco Lonza (Sincrotrone Trieste - ELETTRA)
      • 09:15
        Coffee 15m HDBL, Herrsching

        HDBL, Herrsching

      • 09:30
        DESY 15m
        Speaker: Dr Maria Teresa Nunez Pardo de Vera (DESY)
      • 09:45
        The Solaris status 15m
        Speaker: Piotr Goryl (National Synchrotron Radiation Centre (Solaris) at Jagiellonian University)
      • 10:00
        MAX IV Status Report 15m
        A short progress report on the MAX IV project will be given and a few ideas on how we would like it to be in the future.
        Speaker: Mr Darren Spruce (MAX IV Laboratory)
      • 10:15
        Status-Report (FRM-II) 15m
        Speaker: Jens Krueger
      • 10:30
        Coffeebreak 15m HDBL, Herrsching

        HDBL, Herrsching

    • 10:45 11:30
      TANGO Devlopment I
      • 10:45
        Tango kernel status 45m
        Classical Tango kernel talk
        Speakers: Emmanuel Taurel (ESRF), Mr Tomasz Rogucki (ALBA)
    • 11:30 12:30
      Lunch 1h
    • 12:30 15:20
      TANGO Development II
      • 12:30
        PyTango 8 20m
        PyTango has long been a useful part of the Tango project. The new version introduces some news like Tango 8 API, python 3k compatibility and a better IPython integration.
        Speaker: Mr Tiago Coutinho (ALBA)
      • 12:50
        Pogo templates migration. 30m
        Pogo (the Tango code generator) has been developed using XText and XPand languages. XPand is now deprecated. The templates written in XPand must be re-written in XTend. This language extends java. Templates will be available for C++, java and Python.
        Speaker: Mr Andy Götz (ESRF)
      • 13:20
        Tango common devices' interfaces and abstract classes 20m
        Speaker: Piotr Goryl (National Synchrotron Radiation Centre (Solaris) at Jagiellonian University)
      • 13:40
        Coffee 20m HDBL, Herrsching

        HDBL, Herrsching

      • 14:00
        Teach instruments to dance Tango - The FRM II way of Tango 20m
        Speaker: Alexander Lenz
      • 14:20
        Migrating tango-ds to SVN 30m
        Overview of the situation of the tango-ds sourceforge projects in CVS and SVN. proposal for a new tree structure and roadmap
        Speaker: Mr Jean-Michel Chaize (ESRF)
      • 14:50
        Implementing experiment status observer using Tango framework. 30m
        For high throughput experiments using neutrons or synchrotron radiation we defined a new software protocol. The central component is a Java Tango Server (StatusServer) that is dedicated to collect data during experiment will be presented in this talk
        Speaker: Igor Khokhriakov (HZG)
  • Thursday 27 September
    • 08:15 09:40
      Tools and managment
      • 08:15
        Sardana 1.2 20m
        Sardana is aimed at helping tango based controls systems to achieve motion control and data acquisition. The new version plans to add 1D/2D channels, continuous scans and a better spock & GUI interfaces.
        Speaker: Mr Tiago Coutinho (ALBA)
      • 08:35
        Provisioning a Tango platform for all collaborators of MaxIV 20m
        In these age where Tango becomes more and more popular, the suppliers of equipment and other consultants are beginning to invest in the development of Tango Device. The talk is about the provisioning system that MaxIV could provide to support them.
        Speaker: Mr Andreas Persson (MAX-lab)
      • 08:55
        Online tool assisted distributed version control 30m
        Using git in combiation with gerrit and jenkins to control source quality by code review and automated tests.
        Speaker: Bjoern Pedersen
      • 09:25
        Coffee break 15m HDBL, Herrsching

        HDBL, Herrsching

    • 09:40 10:40
      TANGO Executive Comittee
    • 10:40 12:30
      Sub-Meeting: HDB
    • 12:30 13:30
      Lunch 1h
    • 15:00 18:00
      FRM II Visit FRM II, Garching

      FRM II, Garching

      Visit to the FRM II reactor facility, requires pre-registration

      Convener: Jens Krueger